3rd Wedding Anniversary - Celebration and Gift Ideas

Are you cracking your head for great ways to celebrate your 3rd wedding anniversary?

You are about to complete three years of togetherness with your spouse, and your third wedding anniversary is on its way.

In today's fast paced world of recycling, each year you are married becomes a great achievement and comes with a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. Here is an article to help you find some ways to celebrate the special occasion of the third anniversary of your marriage.

Third Wedding Anniversary Gifts

First of all, you will be debating about what type of gift to get for your spouse on your 3rd anniversary. Here are some traditional gift ideas for your 3rd wedding anniversary.

  • Leather: The first traditional item that is representative of the third wedding anniversary is leather. Leather is considered to be a strong material and traditionally symbolizes a strong marriage. Leather is an exceptional choice for many reasons, one being the diversity it comes with. There are so many things to choose form that are made from or represent leather - leather wallets, leather clothing, leather caps, leather briefcase, leather shoes and bags, leather desk accessories, and even leather luggage. Any of these would make a lovely gift.

  • Crystal: The second most widely used item to celebrate a 3rd wedding anniversary is crystal. Just like the clarity of crystal, the relation between a husband and wife is pure and clear, and crystal is a wonderful representation of these sentiments. In fact, crystal is considered to be the actual gemstone for a third wedding anniversary. Crystal glasses, crystal decanters, crystal wine goblets, crystal figurines, crystal vases, and crystal show pieces are all excellent choices for a 3rd wedding anniversary gift.

  • Flowers: No matter which anniversary you are celebrating, you can always say it with flowers. Flowers are always an ideal gift for wedding anniversaries. Simply add a card with a sweet note to a bouquet of your partner's favorite flowers, and let him or her know how special the past three years have been. Your partner will enjoy the sight and aroma of the bouquet for many days, a remembrance of your thoughtfulness.

Third Wedding Anniversary Facts:

Here are a few pieces of interesting 3rd wedding anniversary facts.

  • 3rd Anniversary Flower: Fuchsia is considered to be the traditional third wedding anniversary flower.

  • 3rd Anniversary Gemstone: Pearl and jade are considered to be the traditional third wedding anniversary gemstones, although some modernists have also included crystal.

  • 3rd Anniversary Color: Jade green and white are considered to be the traditional third wedding anniversary colors.

Ways to Celebrate a Third Wedding Anniversary

So what are some good ideas for celebrating one's 3rd wedding anniversary?

  • Go out for a movie, a concert, a sports event, or a theater performance together with no one else.

  • Go for a date like you used to go in your courtship period. Perhaps indulge in a 3 course dinner, each course a representation of your three years together.

  • Go out for a romantic tour with your spouse to your dream destination.

You should now have some great ideas to get you started on your search for the perfect way to celebrate your third wedding anniversary. Have fun!

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