Selecting Appropriate Birthday Card MessagesNeed help in picking appropriate birthday card messages? When trying to pick out a birthday card, you might be overwhelmed by the types of messages that you encounter.
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Click here for more pages and articles on Birthday Cards. Useful Resourcescoming soon...Birthday cards are filled with everything from scriptures to off-color jokes and, depending on the person that you are buying the card for, you could have some difficulty in narrowing your choices down based on the sheer quantity alone. Humor cards are always popular at birthday times. Many people have trepidation about turning another year older and the greeting card companies have capitalized on this by crating humorous situations and sayings around the event. As a result, you can find a variety of birthday card messages pertaining to going over the hill, getting senile, and generally losing your mind and youth. These types of cards can be a lot of fun, but they should also only be given to those people that you know are going to appreciate that kind of humor. Sexual innuendo birthday card messages are also popular. These, of course, are usually reserved for partners giving birthday cards to their significant others. Oftentimes, these cards relay humor surrounding gifts that aren't usually found in stores. On the other hand, birthday cards with religious scriptures are popular, too. These types of cards can be great not only for religious people who appreciate scriptures from the Bible, but also for people that need uplifting messages at the moment. In addition to scripture birthday card messages, there might be times when a simple "Happy Birthday" message is needed without any special adornments or other messages. This happened to me a couple of years ago, when my grandmother passed away and was buried on my father's birthday. I wanted to get him a card, but I didn't want one filled with lines about this "joyous day" or "happy occasion." Likewise, although he typically loves humorous cards and silly jokes, it didn't feel appropriate for that day in particular. When buying a birthday card for your boss or superior, you might also find that you need something that has a simple message without relying too much on humor. Of course, this will depend on your boss and the relationship that you have with him or her, but generally a birthday card going to a supervisor should be fairly professional and simple in nature. There are also quite a few birthday card messages that take a group into consideration. These are good if a group of co-workers want to get together and get their boss a birthday card. Of course, you should still feel free to go out on your own and get an individual one if you so desire. This might be a good idea if you and your supervisor have a more personal relationship, such as if you are their secretary or administrative assistant and work with them on a more one-on-one basis. It actually works the other way around, too. If you're someone's supervisor, then you might want to consider not only signing the group card, but also getting your employee a separate card just from you, so that you can send your appreciation for their hard work on a more personal level. When trying to pick out the right birthday card, you should take your relationship with the recipient into consideration, as well as their sense of humor. Not all funny cards are going to go down well, and not all sexual innuendo cards are appropriate. When in doubt, a simple "Happy Birthday" birthday card message is usually enough.
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