Christmas Card Verses to Send to Different People in Your Life

Are you looking for some inspired and meaningful Christmas card verses to use as part of your season's greetings?

The majority of the people who send out Christmas cards every 10th of December go to the local discount store, pick up a couple of boxes and sit down one evening to get them made out and addressed.

On the way home from work the following day, they stop by the post office, purchase stamps and send out the lot of them go.

On average, 20% of other people purchase cards through a company that offers the option of personalizing the cards. Often, this takes place through the efforts of a school or church fundraiser, but lots of online sites offer this feature. For those who are really into Christmas and its various meanings, there are local printers or online sites that will help you customize your card from the front picture to the inside verse.

Verses express a feeling as well as relay your message. Christmas card verses can be as simple as: "With all good wishes for the season and for the coming year" and, "Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year", to "May the Christmas season overwhelm your home with joy, your heart with abounding love and your life with unlimited laughter."

Because the season is filled with such a spirit of giving, its energy abounds and people wish to convey that to one another in a few words. They want to be a part of what touches the heart and brings laughter to the lips. To these people, a search for the right words is inevitable. It is the difference between: "Warmest thoughts and best wishes", and "From my heart to yours comes the magic of this season of love."

When it comes to Christmas card verses, there is a time for simplicity, when: "Have a Blessed Christmas" will work for people you don't know well or those perhaps you just need to blanket generally.

For Christmas card verses for the other folks on your list, let the creative expressions begin, whether it be: "Let the blessed spirit of love fill you and yours throughout this season" or "May your heart be lifted in praise to our Lord Jesus and all that He brings. And may the best be still to come."

For Christmas card verses for church friends, use words like: "Here is to sharing with you the glory, the wonder and the very miracle of this blessed season", and with any others: "Here is to the closeness of good friends, the comfort of our homes and the impending unity of first our community and then our nation."

And for Christmas card verses for those with no religious affiliations at all, but love the season for the spirits of goodness and giving: "To the goodies, the decorations and the joy of fellowship, may the energy of the season remain with you throughout the coming year."

Whatever the season: "May you have the measure of faith, the peace that comes with hope, and love, which is unconditional. 'She shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call His name Jesus; for He shall save His people from their sins.' Mathew 1:21." What a blessed reason for the season.

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Meaningful Christmas Verses - Nice Sayings, Quotes and Poems

Christmas Card Verses to Send to Different People in Your Life

Funny Christmas Sayings and Quotes - Humor for the Season

Funny Christmas Quotes - Hilarious Humor for the Holiday Season

Homemade Christmas Cards - Making Your Own Greetings

Home Made Christmas Cards - Ideas and Steps for Making Handmade Cards

Christmas Poems for Kids - Poetry for the Children

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