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Some Common New Year Resolutions Made by Many PeopleAre you wondering what some common New Year resolutions are? It's that time of year again, when we all feel guilty about our over-indulgences during the holidays and we make a vow to make a resolution to never do that again! It's easy to tell ourselves that we'll be good next year - all we have to do is make a New Year's resolution and the problem will take care of itself. How many times have you promised yourself that when New Year's Day comes along you'll mend your wicked ways and be a paragon of virtue? Probably the most common New Year resolution is to swear that this year you'll go to the gym, take up kick-boxing, train for a marathon and generally get your body into shape. Gyms and fitness centers must make a huge profit in January when thousands of people join their programs, only to fall by the wayside after a few weeks. The sensible thing to do is to take it slowly - start walking up the stairs instead of using elevators and escalators. Park a little further away from the store and walk a few extra yards. Buy a pedometer and wear it all day to count the number of steps you take. The ideal number is 10,000 steps per day, but by walking a mere 2,000 extra steps you will lose weight; then you might be ready for that gym membership! Weight loss is, of course, another of the very common New Year resolutions. Another very common New Year resolution is to quit smoking. If someone you care about is trying to quit, then please give them all the support you can. There are so many aids available that can help. See the doctor and get a prescription to help quit the cigarettes, or try one of the many over-the-counter options such as the nicotine patch, gum or lozenges. They DO work if the smoker is determined to quit this time. Smoking is becoming such an anti-social habit that many smokers feel like outcasts when they sneak away to have a few puffs. They will feel so much better when they throw out that last pack of cigarettes. A somewhat new idea for a New Year's resolution that is becoming popular is to make a "bucket list" - a record of all the things you want to do before you die. When you actually sit down and begin to write, you'll be amazed at all the things you want to do. There are places you want to see, friends and family you want to visit again, books you've always planned to read, hobbies you would love to perfect - it can turn into a pretty comprehensive list! Some people finally get around to researching their family tree - which can even turn into a self-published book for future generations. One very common New Year resolution that's often made on the morning of January 1st is to stop drinking alcohol! This idea probably arises from the fact that the person making the resolution has a really bad hangover. A period of abstinence from alcohol is probably a good thing to do after the holidays, and will also help with weight loss. Many resolutions made at the beginning of the year barely last through the first week, but perseverance will pay off. Whether it's uncommon or common New Year resolutions, stick to your goal and go for it!
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