Easter Gift Ideas - Tips for Great Easter Presents

Are you cracking your head for Easter gift ideas?

When it comes to gifts, Easter can be a great time to be creative and have fun with special presents. Although chocolate and Easter eggs are the most common types of gifts found during this holiday, it's easy to be creative with these standards and also fun to branch off from these and give something a little bit different.

If you have a steady hand and want to try your hand at a homemade gift, then a real Easter egg painted by you can be a lovely Easter gift idea. Using a needle, poke a hole in both ends of a fresh egg. (Don't boil it.) Then, simply "blow" the yolk out by placing your lips on one end of the egg. This might take some practice! You can then use acrylic or watercolor paints to paint your egg. Just remember to be gentle.

Easter bunnies, the real ones, can also make great gifts. These are items that can be enjoyed all year. However, you must ensure that the person that you are giving the bunny to is really ready for a pet. You might also want to include at least a month's worth of food with the bunny as well as a cage.

Need more Easter gift ideas and tips?

Flowers are almost always a welcomed gift, but instead of roses or daffodils, consider a potted plant that the person can enjoy all year round. Orchids are also beautiful flowers and have low maintenance. Tulips, crocuses, and African violets all make lovely Easter arrangements as well.

If you're giving an Easter gift to a person who is religious, then a flower arrangement in the shape of a cross can be a good reminder of the true reason for the Christian holiday. A monogrammed Bible is another excellent gift that can be used throughout the year.

If you want to keep the egg tradition for your loved one, but you don't want to go the chocolate route for Easter gift ideas, then a beautiful egg-shaped necklace, earrings, or ring can keep the tradition of the holiday without adding to the calories.

If you have children and you're thinking of Easter gift ideas for the grandparents, then how about artwork? Have your child or children create an Easter picture and then have it framed. You can also set up your own photo shoot with Easter baskets, eggs, and other decorations and have this framed for the grandparents as well. This is much cheaper than having a professional photo shoot done.

Although the stores will be filled with Easter chocolates, if the person that you're buying for isn't big on hollow eggs and Cadburys, then buy other types of chocolates that they DO enjoy and put them in an Easter basket. That way, they can still enjoy their favorite treats.

And what can you do with that leftover chocolate once the holiday is finished? Chocolate eggs and bunnies can be melted over popcorn, added to oil and heated up for some tasty chocolate fondue, and even melted over pancakes for an after-Easter treat.

We hope you enjoy these Easter gift ideas!

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