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Formal Invitation Wording - Tips, Ideas and Sample PhrasesDo you need tips and ideas for formal invitation wording? Invitations are the introduction to a special occasion or event. They can come to a person by way of notes, email, or via the telephone. Often, they are sent through the mail hand written on informal stationery, or specially formatted and printed in a more formal manner. Most people do not know where to begin when it comes to formal writing. Actually, it is a lot easier than most believe, and finding a sample is not hard at all for those who can go online. Formal invitation wording is a simple matter of making sure relevant information is presented in an appealing way. While finding samples of formal invitations is not an issue, and format along with wording is important, selecting the stationery for your invitation is every bit as vital. The paper as well as the logo, picture or any letterhead sets the stage every bit as much as the wording of an invitation. The best invitations are simple. They are formatted on a card or stationery the size of a half sheet of paper or smaller and utilize the organization's particular font or a script of the designer's choice. And all of this should be created within the boundaries of uniform and cemetery. There is a certain format or etiquette to follow when writing an invitation that will announce a formal affair. Formal invitation wording should contain both the sender and recipient's name, the reason for the invitation (occasion), the date, time and place of the happening, and all of this information should be written in the third person. In the case of wedding, baby shower or birthday invitations, the mention of a theme can be important and should be included in the formal invitation wordings. Both names should be written in a formal manner by using proper titles for both sender and recipient, such as Mr. and Mrs. or the Honorable and Mrs. Gerald Edwards. Any dates should be printed in word form rather than in numbers, such as, Saturday, the twelfth of May. This is true for the year as well. The words two thousand and ten should appear rather than the number 2010. For formal invitation wording, it is also very important to make sure all spelling and grammar is perfect, and though there is a certain amount of freedom in the wording chosen, such as Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clay invite you to celebrate the marriage of their daughter... there should be no unnecessary words used. An RSVP is in order for formal invitations, and any other pertinent information should be added at this point, such as whether children are welcome or are gifts to be excluded, etc. The whole invitation should be clear and to the point. It should end with the sender's (or host's) return address and contact number, if applicable. To avoid confusion, try to mention only one number in the formal invitation wording. The following words and phrases can be used appropriately as part of formal invitation wording:
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