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Herb Garden Design - Useful Ideas and TipsAre you seeking ideas and inspiration for herb garden design? One of the most important aspects of an herb garden is how much time you will have to devote to maintenance. That might sound off the wall, but what good will it do to go to elaborate lengths to plan and plant a garden and then not be able to care for it? Budget is another important factor, of course, and the third most important aspect to your garden is the design. While the answer to the first question will determine the garden size and such issues as whether you will plant in the ground, raised beds or containers, the second will determine formal, informal or wild-like, and will involve the type of plants as well - annuals (must plant yearly), perennials (will come back year after year), or a mixture. Smaller spaces are easier in every aspect of gardening, but need is also relevant, so, sometimes, when it comes to herb garden design, a little compromise has to be seriously considered. Once you have worked all of these points out, though, you can begin the actual herb garden design. In most cases, a six to eight foot square garden plot will be good to start with, especially if you are a novice. You can always enlarge if you find the necessity or acquire the know-how. Traditional gardens have found a home in very nearly every corner of the yard over the years, but herb gardens are best placed near the kitchen, where they will be most often used - think meals, iced or hot tea, the aloe plant for burns, lavender for oil, and the many medicinal plants for everything else. With a formal garden, strict codes are adhered to and, although it is still good to pay attention to mature heights and plant spans, the informal garden has a more chaotic feel to it. For this reason, many people opt for this herb garden design, as it is very easy to maintain as well as having a more natural look. This is especially true when you use the varying colors of green throughout the herb kingdom as well as the flower colors, the height and so forth. Informal gardens have minds of their own, really, and it is a magical garden that allows for such - let the thyme creep and the chamomile spread. It will be a great mixture of everything with order you will come to respect. Two thoughts for such an herb garden design, though - start small and grow slowly, and plant the mint in pots, or it will take over everything. Make plans for some herbs to be grown in containers. They look cool and bring in interesting lines. If you live up north, you can grow herbs that are not indigenous to your area and take them in during the winter. You can protect shade lovers from the hottest part of the day, or use the pot color or design to create a certain feel to the space. As part of your herb garden design, enclose part of your garden - perhaps with a fence or trellis. This, too, creates balance and ambience. Plan for a sunny spot with good circulation but that can also provide some shade. You will need easy access to a water source. Actually, add water to your design in some form - fountain, birdbath, etc, as it will be inviting to birds and butterflies.
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