Home Made Christmas Cards - Ideas and Steps for Making Handmade Cards

Do you need some help with making your own home made Christmas cards?

When it comes to Christmas, everything can seem so commercialized. There is no personal touch and many are starting to crave that personal touch that used to be found so often.

Indeed, it might be time for you to start making your mark little by little, and you can start with the cards you send to others. Here are some great ideas for home made Christmas cards.

  • Cutout cards with glitter are beautiful and fun to make, plus they add a personal touch. You will need glitter, glue, a fountain pen with red ink, card stock, a utility knife and ribbon if you want. You can get creative with these designs, which is fun, so you choose the colors of card stock, but festive colors and white for the inside are great.

    Fold cardstock down the middle and center the template over the fold line. Trace it, with tabs. Then cut along the image leaving the tabbed parts alone (this is where you will leave the image attached). Pop the cut image out by slightly puckering the fold line. Decorate it, add ribbon, glitter and your verse, then glue it onto a larger, pre-folded card backing for a beautiful, personalized, home made Christmas card for all.

  • Make it easy and let the whole family create the fun. Use red pre-folded card backing and cut green cardstock into Christmas trees. You can decorate these with ornaments however you like, and for those "extra-special" cards, consider letting the kids decorate the trees. On the inside, fold card stock after you've printed or written your chosen verse on the inside and glue the insert. Run a ribbon down the length of the card and add a bow and you'll have a personal, home made Christmas card that everyone on your list will love.

  • You can even keep it simple and send a gift wrapped card. For this, you can use card forms, ribbon, and if you're not good at lettering, you can even use letter stickers to say what you want. Attach the ribbons to the front in a design like you were decorating a gift. Choose card stock and ribbons in contrasting colors for maximum impact.

    On the inside, choose your verse and print it with your computer or use a fountain pen to write it by hand. Once you're done, glue the cardstock to the inside of the card form and you've got a homemade card that was easy and fun to make.

You can find more great ideas for home made Christmas cards in lots of craft magazines or at your local craft store. Look around and find inspiration in all things and you'll discover that it's not difficult to make beautiful cards that you can be proud of.

Like anything homemade, making Christmas cards is a craft and will take time. It's supposed to be enjoyable and doesn't have to be hard if you don't want it to be, so stick with your talent level and don't be afraid to be a little creative.

Chances are that you won't save a lot of money because you're going to have to buy supplies to create home made Christmas cards, but when you take the time to make something which is handmade, the people on your list will appreciate the gesture and feel a little more "Christmas spirit" than they did before.

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Homemade Christmas Cards - Making Your Own Greetings

Home Made Christmas Cards - Ideas and Steps for Making Handmade Cards

Christmas Poems for Kids - Poetry for the Children

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