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Making Home Made Shampoo - Basic Steps and TipsDo you wish to learn how to make home made shampoo? As shampoo is really just soap used for cleaning hair, making your own shampoo makes sense. It is inexpensive, natural, and you will never run out of your favorite shampoo! The base of homemade shampoo is usually castile soap, which is made entirely from vegetable oil, and not animal fat. It comes in flakes or liquid, doesn't leave residues on one's hair, and is a mild cleansing agent for your hair. The soap is diluted in warm, distilled water, bottled, and is ready for use. Hard castile soap is a mixture of sodium hydroxide and oil, usually olive oil. The soap is hard because the sodium hydroxide causes the oil to solidify. Liquid castile soap is a mixture of potassium chloride and olive oil which, when mixed with distilled water, stays liquid. It is totally natural and environment-friendly, particularly when it bonds with something else, which then increases its pH. When preparing your home made shampoo, various herbs and oils can be added to the base shampoo, according to your hair type. For example, if you have oily hair, you would use the minimum possible amount of oil, and add ingredients such as cucumber juice, peppermint leaves, chamomile or tea tree leaves for extra potency. Dry hair, of course, needs as much moisturizer as possible, so to keep your hair looking really good, you can try adding to your home made shampoo flowers such as lavender or orange, as well as oils such as avocado, coconut or jojoba. This will really boost the moisturizer in your hair and prevent it from looking and feeling like straw. To disguise the smell of the herbs, if you don't really like it, you can add some scents to your homemade shampoo, in the form of a bit of your preferred perfume, fragrance extract or essential oil. As home made shampoos don't last as long as commercial types, discard the remaining shampoo after 6 months, and make yourself a new batch. Homemade herbal shampoo might not be bright colored, but it smells great and will do amazing things to your hair. It is really easy to make, and all the ingredients are readily available and inexpensive. The following is one possible recipe or method for making your own natural shampoo at home. Here, the ingredients you will need for your home made shampoo are about 7 ounces (which is about 200 to 210ml) of water, preferably spring water or distilled water; about 4 tablespoons (which is about 60ml) of liquid castile soap; and about 5 to 6 tablespoons of herbs, with at least two which are suitable and useful for your hair type. If you are going to use whole flowers like red clover or marigold, you may want to first crush the flowers. Also, although the flowers of lavender are small, if you crush these as well, it will bring out more of their beautiful scent. To make your herbal home made shampoo, you boil the water, add the chosen herbs, and leave for about 10 minutes to half an hour to steep before straining; make sure that there are no plant parts left in the herbal water. For this process, you can also use a strainer. Next, put the liquid castile soap into the bottle that you are going to use for your shampoo, add the herbal water, mix well (ensure to mix thoroughly), and your made-at-home shampoo is ready. To find out which herbs to use for your hair type, the internet has the necessary information, so spend a few minutes to find out exactly what herbs you need to use in your home made shampoo. Once you have the knack of making homemade shampoo, make batches for different hair-types, label them, decorate the bottles, and you will have a stock of great gifts for the special people in your life. Have fun!
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