Homemade Christmas Ornaments to Make from Simple Materials

Are you thinking about what could be nice homemade Christmas ornaments to make?

This year, do something different. Instead of joining the maddening rush to get to the stores and buy all sorts of Christmas ornaments that you will likely stuff in a box once the holiday is over and forget about - or worse, they will become crushed under the weight of all those other ornaments - take a moment to consider making your own homemade Christmas ornaments.

Millions of people around the world have become so busy with their everyday lives that they have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. Their objective is to keep up with their friends, family members, and even their neighbors when it comes to decorating for the holiday season.

Yet there is a wonderful opportunity to not only spend time with your children making homemade Christmas ornaments, but also to create some artistic and personal touches to your decorations this year. Not to mention the fact that you would likely save a lot of money in the meantime.

Homemade Christmas ornaments to make from things lying around the house

You may not have everything you might need to make some wonderful homemade Christmas ornaments, but you also might be surprised at how many items you actually do have. They don't have to be fancy, as long as they have that personal touch. That's what makes homemade Christmas ornaments special.

Here are some ideas for homemade Christmas ornaments to make.

Homemade pictures frames

If you have kids, then you probably have taken a ton of pictures of them through the years. At Christmastime, just about everything you do is focused on them and their happiness. You can (or have your kids do this) take red or green construction paper, cut out two equal-sized sections, then cut out one in the shape of a frame that would hold a picture, then glue that one to the other piece, placing a picture in between, and you have an instant Christmas picture to decorate your home.

When choosing the right picture to use, you may want to consider a special Christmas picture, whether it's from the previous holiday, or have your kids or family dress up early, snap that perfect shot, then place it in the frame.

Cloth Candy Canes

This is another of the possible homemade Christmas ornaments to make. By now, just about everyone should know what candy canes look like. While it's easy to head to the store and buy candy canes, you can also make your own out of cloth.

Using red and white, or green and red cloth strips, glue them around a small curved piece of wood or cardboard in the shape of a candy cane and you'll have a decoration that will last for years to come.


Need more ideas for homemade Christmas ornaments to make? How about snowballs?

You might not have small Styrofoam balls lying around your home, but they don't cost much from your local craft store. You just need some string and these balls and some glitter.

Have your kids decorate the snowballs with glitter (using glue to affix the glitter) and then hang them all around your house from the ceiling. You will soon feel like you're living in a winter wonderland, even though the snow is still a few weeks, or a few hundred miles, away.


Fashioning snowflakes out of paper is one of the oldest and easiest homemade Christmas ornaments to make. Simply fold a sheet of paper in half, or in quarters, and cut out a shape around the outside edge and inside as well. When you open it, you'll have instant snow!

Christmas is a great time for homemade Christmas ornaments to make with your kids. It's a great way to bond and feel closer to your family at the season that is perfect for it!

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