Romantic Games for Two - Helping Couples Boost Love and Romance

Romantic games for two are certainly not a new thing on the scene.

Couples have been playing games with each other throughout the ages. However, because of the media and our access to so much more of worldwide happenings these days, it only seems to be up and coming.

In truth, many far eastern cultures as well as western cultures are known for game / role playing techniques between men and women - whether therapeutic or recreational.

The fact that it is becoming commonplace between ordinary couples is on the rise, and many therapists believe them to be responsible for couples being able to cope with their lives and situations of the times in a more productive manner. Romantic games for two are designed to help couples open channels of communication between one another, and to promote understanding between the two sexes as well as encourage their individual sexuality.

Generally, women find it more fun to plan for a romantic game night, but men are encouraged to get into the act as well. If both couples are in agreement, the man's role can be picking up some wine on the way home from work while the wife plans the actual game. Along with a better emotional relationship, romantic games for two are encouraged for some fun to take place between the partners.

If you are new at this, try several approaches to romantic games for two. One woman left a note for her husband when he got home from work informing him that if he wanted to have some fun, the first stop of his romantic scavenger hunt was to pick up a gift for her at an appropriate (and predetermined, on her part) gift spot.

At the gift shop, a clue was left with the clerk as to what she would like, as well as instructions to go onto her favorite floral shop. When his three or four stops were completed, he followed his final instructions that ended with him at a motel on the other end of town, where his wife and an intimate dinner for two awaited him.

For romantic games for two, you could also use a standard game incorporating new rules that apply to just the two of you. For instance, 'Words of Love' scrabble can be played easily on the floor in front of the fireplace with the scrabble game, a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses. With some soft music playing in the background, try thinking of words that pertain only to love and romance - and how you would like the evening to end up.

Or, you can choose words that can be used in romantic sentences pertaining to how you feel or would like her to feel, etc. This form of the game can get pretty silly as you try to use the words appropriately, but, then, that is where the fun comes in.

Need more ideas for romantic games for two?

Games like Twister with some lively music going on in the background can set a great mood for fun. If you are athletic, try a game of R-O-M-A-N-C-E while shooting hoops (equivalent of H-O-R-S-E). Every letter you score comes with the added benefit of a kiss or five minutes of massage; or a choice of the after game activities if you are the first to get all the letters.

Homemade dice with certain dots representing such things as a kiss, a hug, a massage, etc. can be lots of fun, too. Keep those dice rolling!

If you would like to read about more ideas for romantic games for two, be sure to check out the other related articles and pages on the rest of this website. Have fun!

Read More: More Romantic Game Ideas | For Couples | For Lovers | Intimate Games | Romantic Dares | Romantic Fun and Games | Communication and Conversation | Love and Romance | Dates and Dating | Other Romantic Ideas - Love and Romance | Valentine's Day Parties and Games | Valentine's Day Ideas, Activities and Romance | Various Valentine's Day Ideas to Celebrate Romantic Love | Home Page | Site Search

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Some Related Fun and Games Pages

Romantic Games for Lovers - Fun and Romance for Couples

Romantic Games for Two - Helping Couples Boost Love and Romance

Romantic Game Ideas - Fun for Love and Romance

Romantic Games for Couples - Live Your Fantasies and Spice Up Your Romance

Intimate Romantic Games - Improve Your Intimacy and Romance

Romantic Dares - Tips and Ideas for Playing the Game

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