Samples of Engagement Announcements - Examples and Useful Tips

Are you seeking samples of engagement announcements which you could use?

When you get engaged, it is such an exciting time in your life. You want to share your happiness with everyone you meet; friends, family, and even strangers will find your enthusiasm infectious.

Aside from your beaming face, happy smile, and that beautiful ring you can't help but show off, many people like to also announce their engagement, or the engagement of a dear family member, with some type of official announcement.

From a simple ad in your local paper to a customized printed announcement you can send to family and friends, announcements can vary quite a bit. Here, you will find some ideas on how to announce your special event to as few or as many people as you wish, as well as some samples of engagement announcements which you could use or adapt to suit your needs.

Tips To Write Engagement Announcements

Writing an engagement announcement is really pretty simple. You just need to do your homework and make sure you have all of your facts straight. Here are some basic tips for writing your own announcement. With these basic guidelines, you can easily come up with your own samples of engagement announcements.

  • Keep It Short and Simple: Make sure to keep your engagement announcement short and to the point. Simple facts are more effective than rambling on about second cousins and family genealogy.

  • Give Details: Make sure to include all the desired details for the engagement. From the venue to time and date, all these details should be properly highlighted in your engagement announcement, especially if you are using your announcement to relay key information to potential guests.

  • Timing of The Announcement: Keep in mind that engagement announcements are usually made fairly quickly after the initial engagement but months prior to the actual marriage. Time your engagement announcement appropriately.

  • Check Newspaper: If you are planning to place your announcement in either your local paper, or one farther away, it is prudent to check in advance as to what the deadline requirements are for each paper you plan on using. Smaller papers tend to have limited space, so checking in advance can possibly save you the disappointment of not getting your announcement in on the date you were hoping for.

  • Must Haves: Here is a list of 'must haves' in your samples of engagement announcements: couple's full names, their parents' names, wedding date and location, engagement details, venue, time, and date of the upcoming wedding ceremony.

  • Proofread: Make sure to avoid any mistake in spelling for any of the information included with your engagement announcement. Nothing is worse than reading your printed announcement and realizing you spelled the future bride's family name incorrectly! Proofreading will save you potential embarrassment down the road.

Samples Of Engagement Announcements

And here are a few brief samples of engagement announcements which you could use.

  • Jane Michelle Roberts and Joseph John Smith [COUPLE'S NAMES], of ___ [TOWN] are extremely happy to announce their engagement on ___ [DATE]. A September [WEDDING MONTH] wedding is planned.

  • We did it! We're in love. ___ [GROOM'S NAME] is pleased to announce his engagement to ___ [BRIDE'S NAME] on ___ [DATE].

  • We are delighted to announce our engagement. ___ [GROOM'S NAME] AND ___ [BRIDE'S NAME] will be celebrating their engagement on ___ [DATE] at ___ [VENUE].

  • Mr. and Mrs. [BRIDE'S PARENTS] and Mr. and Mrs. [BRIDEGROOM'S PARENTS] are pleased to announce the engagement of [BRIDE'S NAME] to [BRIDEGROOM'S NAME]. A June [WEDDING MONTH] wedding is planned at the Church of the Resurrection in Our Town, Anystate (VENUE OR LOCATION).

With the help of the above tips and samples of engagement announcements, you should now be well on your way to preparing an appropriate engagement announcement. Remember, the main purpose of the announcement is to let the community know about your engagement and to share in your joy.

Read More: Sample Engagement Announcement Verses | Engagement Announcements | Engagement Poems and Verses | Love Quotes, Sayings and Verses | Love Poems | Other Engagement and Wedding Ideas | Home Page | Site Search

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Some Related Engagement Announcements Pages

How to Announce Your Engagement - Tips and Ideas to Guide You

Samples of Engagement Announcements - Examples and Useful Tips

Useful Engagement Announcement Verses and Quotes

Engagement Announcement Etiquette - Guide to the Right Steps

Sending Engagement Announcement Cards - Guide on Basic Steps

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