Wedding Anniversary Toast - Facts, Tips, Ideas and Samples

Wish to learn about the different aspects of a wedding anniversary toast?

The basic definition of a toast is the act of raising a glass and drinking in honor of a person or thing. When it comes to the wedding anniversary toast, guests are typically drinking in honor of the couple who has essentially lasted as a couple through a determined amount of time.

Although it's common for the husband to toast the wife, or vice versa, it's common for someone at the celebration to also offer a toast in honor of the couple as well.

There is quite a bit of symbolism behind a wedding anniversary toast, in addition to the words that are actually spoken. When everyone lifts their glasses during the toast, for example, they are confirming their agreement to the words that are spoken. This gesture of goodwill is supposed to help seal the warm wishes that were expressed by the person that was giving the toast.

Although toasts typically took place over alcoholic beverages, they don't necessarily have to. In fact, a toast can take place over any type of beverage - it's the act of coming together and wishing the couple well that is symbolic, not the drink of choice itself.

When a toast is made at a wedding or engagement party, it's generally with the expectations that the couple will do well and be there for one another. The person doing the toasting will wish them luck and love and happiness.

However, a toast made at an anniversary celebration is a little different. Perhaps the couple has been together for a year, or perhaps they have been together for 50 years. With this in mind, the wedding anniversary toast should be slanted towards wishing for continued happiness, since it is pretty much assumed that some happiness must already exist, or else the couple would no longer be together.

You should also keep in mind that there is a difference between a toast and a speech. While a toast might consist of a few basic words and well wishes, a speech is going to be more conclusive and have a bit more length to it. In a speech, one might talk about past experiences with the couple, refer to events that have shown the couple's strength, and perhaps even have some quotes included in it. More than likely, however, a speech will still end with a toast.

A wedding anniversary toast can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. It should be specific to the couple that you are toasting, as well as take in the atmosphere of the party. You might even want to tailor the toast to fit the moment. If the guests are feeling lighthearted and animated, for instance, then you may realize that your serious toast isn't the most appropriate one, and instead you might want to go for something a bit more humorous.

On the other hand, if the mood is serious, then your jokes might not go down very well, and instead, you might opt for something that's a bit more classical. Even a simple, "Here's to the happy couple, may they continue to find happiness with one another" can be a good toast regardless of any situation.

A few more sample wedding anniversary toasts include:

  • May the roof above you never fall in and may you both never fall out.

  • My greatest wish for the two of you is that through the years your love for each other will so deepen and grow, that years from now you will look back on this day, your wedding day, as the day you loved each other the least.

  • We admire them for their beauty, respect them for their intelligence, adore them for their virtues, and love them because we can't help it.

More information on wedding anniversary toasts can be found in the other related articles and pages on this website.

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Wedding Anniversary Toast - Facts, Tips, Ideas and Samples

Making Anniversary Toasts - Useful Tips and Ideas

Making a 50th Anniversary Toast - Ideas on What to Say

50th Wedding Anniversary Toast - How to Make a Great Toast

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