Weird Halloween Costumes - Ideas for Strange Outfits

How does a person define what weird Halloween costumes are?

Every person will have their own notion about what is normal when it comes to Halloween costumes and what are considered weird costumes. While this may hold true across the board, there are costumes that people have made in the past that are basically considered weird Halloween costumes to almost everyone.

For some people, their goal was to shock people. For others, it was just to stand out from the ordinary crowd. There's nothing wrong with standing out, as long as you keep it clean and remember that when you go out to a party in your weird Halloween costume, there will likely be children who will see you and you do not want to offend them in any way, shape, or form.

So without further adieu, here are ten weird Halloween costumes (that fall well under the label of 'weird' for almost anyone's standards):

  • Presidential losers - Many people will dress up as the President of the United States, but how many actually think about going as the runner up? John McCain happens to be the last presidential runner up and would constitute a weird costume.

  • 80's hair band rockers - Remember the days of the 'Hair Bands?' Well, going as one these days would be weird.

  • Toilet bowl - Using cardboard, you can be the next 'flushing' display at the next party.

  • An iPod - Kids have been dressing up as iPods for years, but it never ceases to stop being weird.

  • A cow - This kind of costume requires two people, one for the head and one for .. well, let's just say the rest of it.

  • Garden Gnome - If you want to be something weird this year for Halloween, then dressing up as a garden gnome could do the trick. While this costume has long been considered weird for years, the Pixar movie, "Gnomeo and Juliet" may have changed that, at least for some time.

  • The 'Cool-Aid' man - This costume requires some effort to make, but it will certainly turn heads and, if it's done right, trying to squeeze through doors will be a challenge and that will make your costume one weird choice.

  • Garbage - Put a plastic garbage bag around you and fill it with dry garbage (try to avoid real, smelly garbage), and you have one weird Halloween costume.

  • Bad luck - People may not get it at first when you show up in torn jeans, ripped shirt, blacked out teeth and blood stains all over, but if you act the part, they'll soon realize what you are.

  • Die-hard sports fan - If you have that massive beer gut, you can paint your chest the colors of your favorite sports team and go as the number one fan. Yes, it may not be far of a stretch for some people, but for most of the world, this is just plain weird.

    There are plenty of weird Halloween costumes that you can choose for your next Halloween party. Just keep it simple and clean and you could be the hit of the party.

    Have fun, and Happy Halloween!

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